Wednesday, October 8, 2008


here it is again, the dreaded wednesday. today it comes with a lovely armload of 11 hours on campus, four of which are sitting around waiting to go to class; this translates into me looking for the stupidest things I can waste money on through ebay (just ask me how close I came to buying a lifesize cardboard cut out of a character from Buffy for like sixty bucks). one would think that this much time would propel me into a productive frenzie, but really it just sort of zaps me of my will to do anything.

when nine o clock rolls around and I can finally leave this place, I am headed right home to do some homework. luckily I don't have school tomorrow, but still.

the past few weeks have been full of subdued excitement, documentaries (some of them about raves...blech) and shitty movies (shroomz: high tension wrought through a college freshmen's stool). overall I am feeling strong about everything, but lacking in some hidden compartment that won't show its ugly head. maybe I need to move?


stefanie p. warmouth said...

kyle! my deepest apologies for not getting back to you on friday. taylor and i ran into cameron jennings and ended up going thrift store shopping in mount vernon (?!). then all of a sudden i was out of bellingham and entering portland. i'm finally back in the middle (lynnwood) and getting ready for the big trip. jeeeeslouise. i'm glad i got to see you, however briefly. keep blogging so i can read it and pretend we're hanging out.

kyle said...

i'll do my best. have fun on your trip!